
Honcho will set up environment variables defined in the .env file at the root of your repository. If you are using docker for development, a basic .env file can be created by copying .env.test file, but you will need to add credentials for third-party services manually in order to run the development server or the integration tests.

The environment variables in .env customize the settings from opencraft/ which are loaded via env(). For more information about each setting, see the list of settings below, and opencraft/ As a minimum, you will need to add credentials for OpenStack, Gandi, RabbitMQ, and GitHub. You can use this example .env file as a starting point:


You can also configure the environment variables using a YAML file from which Ansible can load these values. Create a file called private.yml and use the following contents as a starting point:

  SECRET_KEY: '...'
  DATABASE_URL: 'postgres://localhost/opencraft'
  OPENSTACK_USER: 'username'
  OPENSTACK_TENANT: 'tenant-name'
  GANDI_API_KEY: 'api-key'
  GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN: 'github-token'

A note on SSH keys

The instance manager uses Ansible to provision openedx sandboxes. Ansible uses SSH to run commands on remote servers, so you will need to configure the instance manager with an SSH key pair to use for this purpose.

First, as the user that the instance manager runs as (e.g. vagrant), run:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096

This will create an ssh key pair for that user, saving it at ~/.ssh/id_rsa and ~/.ssh/ by default. Next, we need to upload the public key to OpenStack. Make sure the nova command line client is installed (it should already be the case from the OpenCraft IM python environment):

pip install python-openstackclient

Configure the client, with the same OpenStack credentials that you used in the .env file and run:

openstack keypair create --public-key ~/.ssh/ KEY_NAME

where KEY_NAME is the name used to identify this key pair in OpenStack. The OPENSTACK_SANDBOX_SSH_KEYNAME setting in your .env file should be set to this name.

OpenStack images

The latest release of Open edX (Koa) is currently designed to run on Ubuntu 20.04. Your OpenStack host may already have an image available for this version of Ubuntu. You can manage OpenStack images using glance:

pip install python-glanceclient

You can check the images available with your host using:

glance image-list

For maximum compatibility we recommend the official Ubuntu cloud image. If this image is not available with your host, you can fetch it and add to OpenStack using glance:

glance image-create \
  --disk-format=qcow2 \
  --container-format=bare \
  --file xenial-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img \
  --name IMAGE_NAME \

where IMAGE_NAME is the name used to identify the image in OpenStack. The OPENSTACK_SANDBOX_BASE_IMAGE setting in your .env file should match this name:


OpenStack flavors

OpenStack instances come in various flavors, roughly equivalent to EC2 instance sizes. You must specify a flavor to use for sandboxes. To see a list of available flavors, run:

nova flavor-list

Set the OPENSTACK_SANDBOX_FLAVOR setting in your .env file to your chosen flavor:

OPENSTACK_SANDBOX_FLAVOR='{"name": "m1.medium"}'

OpenStack Security Groups

Every VM used to host Open edX will automatically be added to an OpenStack network security group, which provides a firewall that limits what ports/services on the VM are exposed to the Internet. The security group will automatically be created and managed by OpenCraft IM.

Instances of Open edX can also be assigned additional security groups. Typically, these additional security groups would not contain any rules; they are instead used for things like granting access to a specific database server. (e.g. add an additional security group called allow-mysql-access to the Open edX instance; it does not need to contain any rules. Then, on your MySQL server, edit its security group rules to only allow access to VMs in the allow-mysql-access security group.)

Application settings

  • DEBUG: Turn on debug mode. Use in development only (default: False)
  • SECRET_KEY: Set this to something unique and keep it secret (required)
  • DATABASE_URL: Your database, e.g. postgres://localhost/opencraft (required)
  • REDIS_URL: (default: redis://localhost:6379/)
  • HUEY_ALWAYS_EAGER: Set to True to run huey tasks synchronously, in the web process. Use in development only (default: False)
  • HUEY_QUEUE_NAME: The name of the Huey task queue. This setting can be used to run multiple separate worker queues, e.g. one for the web server and one for batch jobs started from the Django shell.
  • LOGGING_ROTATE_MAX_KBYTES: The max size of each log file (in KB, default: 10MB)
  • LOGGING_ROTATE_MAX_FILES: The max number of log files to keep (default: 60)
  • SUBDOMAIN_BLACKLIST: A comma-separated list of subdomains that are to be rejected when registering new instances

Email settings

  • INSTANCES_EMAIL_SENDER: Sender of the emails related to user instances before and after trial period
  • EMAIL_SIGNATURE_NAME: The name of the person signing off emails sent to users
  • EMAIL_SIGNATURE_TITLE: The title of the person signing off emails sent to users
  • WELCOME_EMAIL_SUBJECT: The subject for welcome email sent to users when their instance has been successfully set up
  • ACCOUNT_INFO_EMAIL_SUBJECT: The subject for the email sent to users with their instance config and account info right after they finish registration

OpenStack credentials

  • OPENSTACK_USER: Your openstack username (required)
  • OPENSTACK_PASSWORD: Your openstack password (required)
  • OPENSTACK_TENANT: Your openstack tenant name (required)
  • OPENSTACK_AUTH_URL: Your openstack auth url (required)
  • OPENSTACK_REGION: The openstack region to deploy sandboxes in (required)

AWS S3 Storage

Permissions required for master AWS account are:

  • iam:PutUserPolicy
  • iam:CreateUser
  • iam:CreateAccessKey
  • iam:DeleteUser
  • iam:DeleteAccessKey
  • iam:DeleteUserPolicy

Required settings:

  • INSTANCE_STORAGE_TYPE: A choice between "s3", "swift" and "filesystem" (default: "s3")
  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: AWS Access Key Id from account with accesses listed above.
  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: AWS Secret Key with accesses listed above.
  • AWS_S3_BUCKET_PREFIX: Prefix used for bucket naming (default: "ocim")
  • AWS_IAM_USER_PREFIX: Prefix used for IAM username (default: "ocim")

Load balancer settings

  • DEFAULT_LOAD_BALANCING_SERVER: The load-balancing server to be used in the form The server will be represented as an instance of the LoadBalancingServer model in the database. It is possible to create multiple instances of that model. This setting exists mainly to make it easier to add a load-balancing server in testing and development environments.
  • LOAD_BALANCER_FRAGMENT_NAME_PREFIX: A prefix prepended to the filename of the configuration fragments added to the load balancer. This serves mainly the purpose of making the fragments easier to recognise, and it should be set to a value identifying the instance manager installation.
  • PRELIMINARY_PAGE_SERVER_IP: The IP address requests will be relayed to by the load balancer when no AppServer is active (e.g. during the deployment of the first AppServer.) This can point to a static page informing the user that the instance is currently being deployed.

RabbitMQ settings

  • DEFAULT_RABBITMQ_API_URL: The full API URL (including the protocol, port, and basic auth) to the RabbitMQ server which will be used to manage vhosts and users for instances. E.g.,
  • DEFAULT_INSTANCE_RABBITMQ_URL: The RabbitMQ AMQPS URI to be used by instances. E.g., amqps://

Redis settings

  • DEFAULT_INSTANCE_REDIS_URL The Redis URI (including the protocol, port, db, and basic auth) to be used by instances. E.g., rediss:// Similarly to DEFAULT_RABBITMQ_API_URL this setting is saved in the database for new instances using RedisServerManager._create_default, where the setting is not explicity overridden.

DNS settings

  • DEFAULT_INSTANCE_BASE_DOMAIN: Instances are created as subdomains of this domain, e.g. (required)
  • DEFAULT_LMS_PREVIEW_DOMAIN_PREFIX: String to prepend to internal LMS domain when generating the LMS preview domain (default: "preview-")
  • DEFAULT_STUDIO_DOMAIN_PREFIX: String to prepend to internal LMS domain when generating the Studio domain (default: "studio-")
  • DEFAULT_ECOMMERCE_DOMAIN_PREFIX: String to prepend to internal LMS domain when generating the ecommerce domain (default: "ecommerce-")
  • DEFAULT_DISCOVERY_DOMAIN_PREFIX: String to prepend to internal LMS domain when generating the Course Discovery domain (default: "discovery-")
  • GANDI_API_KEY: Your Gandi API key (required)
  • GANDI_DEFAULT_BASE_DOMAIN: The base domain owned in the Gandi account if the DEFAULT_INSTANCE_BASE_DOMAIN its sub-domain. (optional, default: DEFAULT_INSTANCE_BASE_DOMAIN).

GitHub settings

  • GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN: Your GitHub access token (required). Get it from, and enable the read:org and read:user scopes on the token.

New Relic settings

  • NEWRELIC_LICENSE_KEY: Your New Relic license key. If set, New Relic server and application monitoring will be enabled.
  • NEWRELIC_ADMIN_USER_API_KEY: An API key for a New Relic admin user. If set, Synthetics availability monitoring will be enabled. Downtime alerts are sent to the email addresses in ADMINS.

Prometheus settings

  • NODE_EXPORTER_PASSWORD: The basic auth password needed to access the node exporter.

Consul settings

  • CONSUL_ENCRYPT: The encryption key used to gossip in a Consul cluster.
  • CONSUL_SERVERS: The list of server agents in the Consul cluster.

Filebeat settings

  • FILEBEAT_LOGSTASH_HOSTS: The Logstash host to forward logs to.
  • FILEBEAT_CA_CERT: The CA certificate used to verify the Logstash host.
  • FILEBEAT_CERT: The TLS certificate used for client authentication against Logstash.
  • FILEBEAT_KEY: The TLS private key used for client authentication against Logstash.
  • FILEBEAT_COMMON_PROSPECTOR_FIELDS: Common fields for all Filebeat prospectors.

Sandbox settings

  • OPENSTACK_SANDBOX_FLAVOR: A json string specifying the instance flavor to use (default: {"ram": 4096, "disk": 40})
  • OPENSTACK_SANDBOX_BASE_IMAGE: A json string specifying the base image to use (default: {"name": "Ubuntu 20.04"})
  • OPENSTACK_SANDBOX_SSH_KEYNAME: The name of the default ssh key pair used to connect to sandbox instances (default: opencraft). This key pair should be registered with OpenStack first, and should be the default ssh key for the user the instance manager runs as.
  • OPENSTACK_SANDBOX_SSH_USERNAME: The user to run ansible playbooks as when provisioning the sandbox (default: ubuntu)
  • DEFAULT_INSTANCE_MYSQL_URL: The external MySQL database server to be used by Open edX instances created via the instance manager. The database server will be represented as an instance of the MySQLServer model in the database. It is possible to create multiple instances of that model. This setting exists mainly to make it easier to add a MySQL database server in testing and development environments. It is mandatory to set this setting to run the initial migrations.
  • DEFAULT_INSTANCE_MONGO_URL: The external MongoDB database server to be used by Open edX instances created via the instance manager. The database server will be represented as an instance of the MongoDBServer model in the database. It is possible to create multiple instances of that model. This setting exists mainly to make it easier to add a MongoDB database server in testing and development environments. It is mandatory to set this setting to run the initial migrations.

MongoDB using a replica set by default

Unset DEFAULT_INSTANCE_MONGO_URL and set the following settings:

  • DEFAULT_MONGO_REPLICA_SET_NAME: Name of the replica set as setup in MongoDB.
  • DEFAULT_MONGO_REPLICA_SET_USER: User used to connect to the MongoDB Servers.
  • DEFAULT_MONGO_REPLICA_SET_PASSWORD: Password used to connect to the MongoDB Servers.
  • DEFAULT_MONGO_REPLICA_SET_PRIMARY: Hostname of primary replica set instance.
  • DEFAULT_MONGO_REPLICA_SET_HOSTS: All hosts on the replica set (including the primary).

External SMTP service settings

If you want to use an external SMTP service for sending email from app servers, set the following configuration variables:

  • INSTANCE_SMTP_RELAY_USERNAME: External SMTP provider username
  • INSTANCE_SMTP_RELAY_PASSWORD: External SMTP provider password
  • INSTANCE_SMTP_RELAY_SENDER_DOMAIN: When using external SMTP provider, email From addresses are rewritten to use the specified sender domain, which should be accepted by the external SMTP host. Defaults to the value of DEFAULT_INSTANCE_BASE_DOMAIN: setting.

Open edX specific settings

  • DEFAULT_OPENEDX_RELEASE: Set this to a release tag like named-release/dogwood to specify the default release of Open edX to use. This setting becomes the default value for edx_platform_version, forum_version, notifier_version, xqueue_version, and certs_version so it should be a git branch or tag that exists in all of those repositories.
  • DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION_REPO_URL: The repository containing the Open edX Ansible scripts to use. Defaults to
  • DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION_VERSION: The branch/tag/commit from the configuration repository to use by default. Normally this does not need to be set; if it is not set, the value of DEFAULT_OPENEDX_RELEASE will be used.
  • DEFAULT_FORK: The fork of edx-platform to use by default. Defaults to the main repository, edx/edx-platform.
  • OPENEDX_RELEASE_STABLE_REF: Set this to a tag or branch for a stable Open edX release. It is used as a default value for the openedx_release field when creating production instances.
  • STABLE_EDX_PLATFORM_REPO_URL: The edx-platform repo used by default for production instances.
  • STABLE_EDX_PLATFORM_COMMIT: The edx-platform commit ref used by default for production instances. Defaults to OPENEDX_RELEASE_STABLE_REF.
  • STABLE_CONFIGURATION_REPO_URL: The configuration repo used by default for production instances.
  • STABLE_CONFIGURATION_VERSION: The configuration commit ref used by default for production instances. Defaults to OPENEDX_RELEASE_STABLE_REF.
  • OPENEDX_APPSERVER_SECURITY_GROUP_NAME: The name of an OpenStack network security group to use for the Open edX VMs which run the LMS/CMS. Defaults to edxapp-appserver. This security group will be automatically created and managed by OpenCraft IM; any changes made to it manually will be lost.
  • OPENEDX_APPSERVER_SECURITY_GROUP_RULES: This specifies the firewall rules that the above security group will have. The default allows ingress on ports 22, 80, and 443 only.
  • EDX_WORKERS_ENABLE_CELERY_HEARTBEATS: Switch to enable/disable celery heartbeats used to detect connection drops. Disabling heartbeats can have a drastic reduction RabbitMQ usage. This setting sets worker_django_enable_heartbeats and EDXAPP_CELERY_HEARTBEAT_ENABLED on supported playbooks. Defaults to False.

MailChimp settings

  • MAILCHIMP_ENABLED: Is MailChimp integration enabled (default: False)?
  • MAILCHIMP_API_KEY: Your MailChimp API key, see
  • MAILCHIMP_LIST_ID_FOR_TRIAL_USERS: MailChimp list id for opted-in trial users
  • MAILCHIMP_BATCH_SIZE: The size of MailChimp batched updates (default: 500)


You must configure external databases that can be used by any app server belonging to an instance, following these steps:

  1. Set up external MySQL and MongoDB databases, making a note of hostname and authentication information (username, password) for each one of them.

  2. In your .env file, set DEFAULT_INSTANCE_MYSQL_URL and DEFAULT_INSTANCE_MONGO_URL to URLs that point to the MySQL and MongoDB servers created in the previous step:


Note that:

  • <user> must have necessary permissions to create databases and users, and to grant privileges on the MySQL/MongoDB server.

  • <hostname> can be an IP address.

  • <port> is optional. It defaults to 3306 for MySQL databases, and to 27017 for MongoDB databases.

The next time you create an instance, the instance manager will automatically create a MySQLServer and a MongoDBServer using the values of the DEFAULT_INSTANCE_MYSQL_URL and DEFAULT_INSTANCE_MONGO_URL settings and assign it to the instance.

Alternatively, you can skip setting DEFAULT_INSTANCE_MYSQL_URL and DEFAULT_INSTANCE_MONGO_URL and create MySQLServer and MongoDBServer objects yourself via the shell or via the Django admin.

from instance.models.database_server import MySQLServer, MongoDBServer



You can create as many MySQLServer and MongoDBServer objects as you like. If there are multiple servers of a given type to choose from, the instance manager will randomly select and assign one of them when you create a new instance.

When the instance manager provisions an app server for an instance that uses persistent databases, it will automatically add the necessary settings on the associated external database server to enable the app server to read and store application data. It will also add any information that is necessary for connecting to the database server to the app server configuration.

Each instance controls its own set of databases on the external database servers, so it is fine for multiple instances to use the same MySQL and MongoDB database servers. Set up multiple database servers if the instance manager controls a large number of instances, or if individual instances receive a large amount of traffic.