
Vagrant installation

Vagrant toolchain is no longer supported, Docker is the recommended development setup.

Local installation (skip this if using docker)

If you prefer not to use docker, you can install OpenCraft Instance Manager manually. Refer to the Ansible playbooks. Ocim requires Python 3.6 or a newer version. The instructions here are based on Ubuntu 16.04. Since Ubuntu 16.04 ships with Python 3.5, we will use pyenv to install a newer, supported version on it. This is not required when a supported version of Python is available. All the pyenv commands can be then ignored and the built-in venv module can be used to create a virtualenv environment.

Install pyenv by following the pyenv documentation. Also install pyenv-virtualenv by following its documentation.

Install a supported version of Python and create a virtualenv environment. We will be using Python 3.6.10 as an example.

pyenv install 3.6.10

Install the system package dependencies:

make install_system_dependencies

You might also need to install PostgreSQL, MySQL and MongoDB:

make install_system_db_dependencies

Note that the tests expect to be able to access MySQL on localhost using the default port, connecting as the root user without a password.

Create a virtualenv, activate it, and install the python requirements:

pyenv virtualenv 3.6.10 opencraft
pyenv activate opencraft
pip install -r requirements.txt

You will need to create a database user to run the tests:

sudo -u postgres createuser -d <currentunixuser>

Where <currentunixuser> is the name of whatever user the app runs under.

When you have finished setting everything up, run the unit tests to make sure everything is working correctly:

make test.unit


To run database migrations:

make migrate

The startup commands such as make run and make check for pending migrations, and will exit before starting the server if any are found. You can also check for pending migrations manually with:

make migrations.check


To run the development server:


Then go to:

You will also want to start up the Frontend.

To run the production server:

make run

To change the number of concurrent gunicorn workers run by the production server:

make run WORKERS=2

Process description

This runs multiple processes via Honcho, which reads Procfile or and loads the environment from the .env file:

  • web: runs an ASGI server supporting HTTP and Websockets in dev and a WSGI HTTP server using gunicorn in productino.
  • websocket: runs an ASGI websocket server in production.
  • worker*: runs asynchronous jobs (Huey).
  • periodic: runs periodic, asynchronous jobs in production (Huey).

Static assets collection

The web server started in the development environment also doesn't require collectstatic to run after each change.

The production environment automatically runs collectstatic on startup, but you can also run it manually:

make static

Running the tests

To run the whole test suite (pylint, pyflakes, pep8, unit tests, etc.):

make test

To run a single test, use make

make instance.tests.models.test_server

You can also run Prospector, the unit tests, JS tests and integration tests independently:

make test.quality
make test.unit
make test.js
make test.integration

JS tests can be run in your browser for debugging (run make test.instance_js_web or make test.registration_js_web and then go to http://localhost:8888/), or in a CI manner via selenium and jasmine-ci (run make test.js).

Note that the integration tests aren't run by default, as they require a working OpenStack cluster configured. To run them, create a .env.integration file - your development environment is likely a good starting point:

cp .env .env.integration

There is also a cleanup routine intended for use by CI services to check for and clean up any dangling OpenStack VMs and MySQL databases past a certain age threshold. While it isn't necessary in the usual case, old integration tests that were killed without cleanup and old MySQL databases that are older than three days can be cleaned up by running the make target:

make test.integration_cleanup


To access the console, you can use shell_plus:

make shell

OCIM Frontend

The frontend of OCIM is a single-page app using React and Redux. All the code can be found inside frontend directory. All reusable UI components description been described in the /demo route in dev environment.


Check the Frontend README all the instructions are given there.